Anthea Middleton is an Energy industry leader in workforce planning and development. After completing her Bachelor of International Business and Human Resources, Anthea honed her leadership capabilities working across various industries, including tech, finance, mining, energy, gas, utilities, electro-technology, telecommunications, government and rail. Anthea has grown and refined her skills in a range of challenging work environments, from relatively new start-ups, to small not-for-profits, all the way to world leading multinationals like Facebook. Anthea is the CEO for the newly formed Powering Skills Organisation, one of ten industry jobs and skills councils, focused on industry workforce planning, engagement, and training sector enhancement. Anthea brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role, with recent achievements including contributing future workforce skilling research for Australia’s electricity networks, electrotechnology contractors, and the Coal Seam Gas industry. 


Joe Morrison, Group CEO of Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC), is Dagoman and Mualgal and has over 30 years’ experience working with Indigenous people in northern Australia, nationally and more recently globally. He has extensive experience in public policy, governance, research, Indigenous development, native title, land rights. land and sea management and economic development. Prior to this role he was the CEO of the Northern Land Council, and the founding CEO of the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA). He is currently a Director of the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, International Savanna Fire Management Initiative, National Centre for Indigenous Excellence, Primary Partners Pty Ltd, Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia and a member of the AFL Indigenous Advisory Council.


Brian Bero is a descendant of the Meriam people and is passionate about Indigenous self-empowerment and socially responsible economic development for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.  Brian is a Co-founder, Principal and Director of Jaramer Legal, the first national Indigenous law firm established in Australia. He is a senior commercial lawyer who has advised State and Federal Governments and large corporations.

Carol Hapke

Carol Hapke is a Director of MG Corporation and involved with the Aboriginal Clean Energy Partnership. 

Cecilia Gore-Birch (MC)

Cissy Gore-Birch is a Jaru/Kija woman with connections to Balanggarra, Nyikina and Bunuba country. She holds a Graduate Diploma in Natural Resource Management and has worked in the Aboriginal land management and community development sectors for the past twenty years. With a strong leadership background in the Kimberley, North Australia & Australia, Ms Gore Birch’s is currently the Director/Owner of Kimberley Cultural Connections Pty Ltd, Co- Chair of the Indigenous Carbon Industry Network, Board Director of Kimberley Land Council and Chairperson of the Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation. She was formerly appointed as Chairperson/Director of NAILSMA, Councillor at Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, Committee Member of the Threatened Species Scientific Committee as well as Chair of Indigenous Reference Committee (NESP) amongst others. Ms Gore-Birch has been and continues to advocate for the social, cultural, environmental and economic advancement and well-being of Aboriginal people through a fair and equitable process.


Daniel Miller is the Chief Executive Officer at Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC).  Daniel brings an understanding of social and cultural issues affecting Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities, including interaction and working with non-indigenous communities. Daniel is a forward thinker and has a strong focus on balancing community needs with strategic planning and sustainable business growth.  He holds a Bachelor of Organisational Leadership and is studying a Master of Business Administration.

Danny Kennedy

Danny Kennedy has had a long career in climate justice work. In the 1990s he led a pioneering human rights organization supporting communities at the frontline of fossil fuel extraction called Project Underground. After a career at Greenpeace, he became a serial solar entrepreneur. From 2016 to 2024 Danny has been the CEO of New Energy Nexus, connecting entrepreneurs everywhere to capital to build an abundant clean energy economy that benefits all. New Energy Nexus is a global platform organization for funds and incubators, with chapters and partners in the USA, UAE, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, Uganda, Nigeria and India. From 2016-2024 he also served as the Managing Director of the California Clean Energy Fund that administered the $33m for very early-stage companies driving innovation and building equity in the California economy plus the $12m CalTestBed initiative with the UC Office of the President. This led him to work closely with the founders of Navajo Power and Native Renewables. He was founding Chair of the Board of Third Derivative, and remains at NEX Ventures in Singapore with its IndoOne and NEX Catalyst funds. He is also on the Board of Directors of EnergyLab Australia, which runs the Supercharge program to optimize and decarbonize battery metals. 

Darren Godwell MHK FAIIA

Darren Godwell is one of Australia's most well-credentialled Indigenous executives. Darren has worked for nearly three decades in support of Indigenous interests in enterprise, commerce, business and economic development. Supporting clients and building Indigenous prosperity and wealth is a driving passion.

Daryle Rigney

Daryle Rigney is a citizen of the Ngarrindjeri Nation and Professor and Director of the Indigenous Nations and Collaborative Futures Research hub in the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research at the University of Technology Sydney. His background is in education having previously held positions as Dean of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement and Director of Yunggorendi First Nations Centre, Flinders University. He is currently the independent director of the Ngarrindjeri Ruwe Empowered Communities (NREC), Deputy Chair of the Australian Indigenous Governance Institute, a member of the International Advisory Council, Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona and a Senior Fellow, Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity, Melbourne & Atlantic Institute, Oxford. Previously he has previously been a board member of The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI) and is regularly engaged to present on Indigenous Nation building to both governments, the University sector, private sector and Indigenous nations.

Denise Foster

Denise Foster is a First Nations decendant and a Tangentyere Council researcher. Western educated in Alice Springs and traditionally educated to the north of Alice Springs, Denise has lived and worked with town camp residents for many years, undertaking many differentroles and responsibilities.has been involved with social research and evaluation for the last 13 years.  In that time Denise has been involved in a diverse range of projects, ensuring that the Research Hub conducts sound and respectful research. She recognises the importance of giving the people the opportunity to participate in all stages of the research process: designing the research, collecting and analysing data, and working to ensure that the findings and recommendations reflect the views of the participants. One of her key interests is ensuring those who give their time and part of themselves to help make the lives of the Town Campers better are properly recognised.


Graeme Gardner is a Palawa man, descending from the Trawlwoolway people of North East Tasmania (lutruwita) Graeme has a long-held passion for working to address critical issues affecting the Aboriginal community, particularly in relation to Aboriginal health and wellbeing, social justice and the recognition of our cultural identity. Graeme is supporting TasNetworks to engage and build relationships with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community and increase cultural understanding across the organisation. Prior to joining TasNetworks, Graeme was the Manager of the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania for 19 years and has undertaken a wide range of land management and stakeholder engagement activities that have directly resulted in positive, long-term, outcomes for the Tasmanian Aboriginal community. Graeme champions opportunities for Aboriginal youth, both through social contacts and the sporting fraternity through his long-term involvement with the Rocherlea Football Club and AFL Tasmania.

Jamie Woods

Jamie Woods is the Nari Nari Tribal Council Chair Person and Gayini Nimmie Caira Land Manager. Jamie has a very keen interest in First Nations Land Management and Culture & Heritage.

Janeen Bulsey

Janeen Bulsey has established skills in areas throughout employment with private industry, community organisations and the public service sector. A background in community and relationship management, Janeen specializes in the development and engagement on the ground with regional, and remote communities, Land Councils, Resource Agencies, non-government and Community organisations, Federal, State/Territory and Local governments to build and maintain successful relationships with all stakeholders. Janeen’s role as Environmental Marine Research & Development Manager was responsible for the establishment of a training centre in Indigenous Sea Country Management, Environmental, Coastal and Marine programs

Emily Gerrard

Emily Gerrard is a Principal Lawyer and Director at Comhar Group Pty Limited, an Australian-based legal and policy advisory firm. She is an environmental and climate change law specialist with extensive experience in renewable energy projects (including large-scale project agreement-making), environmental markets, Indigenous land use and access agreements, cultural heritage agreements and approvals, and international carbon market governance frameworks. Emily works with First Nations peoples and organisations, governments, companies and peak bodies in Australia and the region. She has a detailed understanding of domestic and international climate change frameworks, including the Paris Agreement, UNFCCC and Convention on Biological Diversity, and regularly attends international negotiations. Emily is admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Victoria and High Court of Australia and is an Affiliated Expert with the UK Government’s UK PACT Programme (Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions). She is an expert member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP) and a non-executive director of the Carbon Market Institute, EarthWatch Australia, and The Next Economy.

Kathryn Ridge

Kathryn Ridge is an environmental lawyer and advocate for natural resource and cultural policy improvement. She has recently advised on a number of innovative land, water and energy projects in New South Wales for the Nari Nari Tribal Council Ltd. Kathryn is currently a director of Ridge & Associates Pty Ltd, an incorporated legal practice. She is a non-executive director of the Murray Wetlands Working Group Ltd, and the Nature Conservation Water Fund, a trustee of the Environmental Water Trust. Kathryn is the Hon. Secretary of the North Head Sanctuary Foundation (Inc).Kathryn holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons1) and a Bachelor of Science, and is currently in Stage 3 of her higher degree research at the University of Technology Australia. Kathy is the author of the Water Supply Chapter in the Environmental Law Handbook, and is co-author of the Biodiversity and Conservation chapter of LexisNexis Local Government, Planning and Environment service. 

Kerry Colbung

Kerry Colbung is a Kokatha woman from the Ceduna region of South Australia. With a career spanning some 33 years, Kerry has worked in a leadership capacity across community, government and the corporate sector. She was the first Aboriginal woman appointed to Local Government in South Australia. Kerry has been instrumental in leading community-based initiatives such as: implementation of the Coober Pedy Alcohol Strategy, SA Country Health Aboriginal service development plans and accountability frameworks, the South Australian Aboriginal Sports Training Academy (SAASTA), the SANFL and the SAASTA traineeship program and the Port Adelaide Football Club Aboriginal Power Cup targeting the engagement of young Aboriginal people. She led the transition of the Ceduna Koonibba Aboriginal Health Service to an independent Aboriginal Corporation and was appointed as its first Chief Executive. She was appointed as the inaugural Chief Executive of the Aboriginal Lands Trust and transformed its business model and governance. Kerry was acknowledged for her efforts in the 2017 Indigenous Social Justice Commissioners report for her insight into Indigenous Property Rights, land tenure and native title and was the first Aboriginal women in Australia to head up an Aboriginal Statutory Land Holding body. Kerry co-owns Mandanga Enterprises a subsidiary of MJ & KP Colbung Pty Ltd along with her husband Michael, where they have brought a unique flair of culture and healing together in skin care products.

Kirsty Gowans

Kirsty Gowans has worked in public policy for over 20 years, and on energy policy since 2016. She is currently Head of the Electricity Division at the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water. In previous positions, she managed the Government’s Rewiring the Nation program. Prior to joining DCCEEW she managed the Department of Industry’s Research and Development Tax Incentive, ARENA’s portfolio of renewable energy projects. Kirsty has a background in commercial law and Indigenous Affairs, working in the Northern Territory as a land claim lawyer for the Northern Land Council and as a criminal lawyer for the North Australia Aboriginal Legal Aid Service. Kirsty is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, the Law Society of the ACT and has a Masters in Public and International Law from the University of Melbourne.

Lawford Benning

Lawford Benning is the Executive Chair at MG Corporation, having been a Director since 2016. He is passionate about generating economic development opportunities and promoting education and employment outcomes for MG people. During his time at MGC, Lawford has overseen the establishment of many social programs aimed at helping his community, including Target 120, the Home Stretch program and 100+ Jobs. During his tenure, MGC has also signed several MOUs for the economic benefit of the community and has become integral in the establishment of a cotton industry on MG country. Lawford is instrumental in high level talks with government regarding parcels of land returning to MG Corporation on behalf of MG people. Lawford is a member of a number of advisory bodies, including the State Welfare Emergency Committee and the Aboriginal Police Advisory Forum. He was an inaugural member of the Indigenous Reference Group on the development of Northern Australia and is a former board member of the Pastoral Lands Board. 

Levi Lovett

Levi Lovett is a descendant of the Gunditj Mara people. Newly appointed to the Gunditj Mirring Board of Directors this year, Levi has over 20 years in Cultural Heritage and land management in Victoria.

Melina Laboucan-Massimo

Melina Laboucan-Massimo has worked on climate justice, Indigenous sovereignty and women's rights for over 20 years. Melina is Lubicon Cree from Northern Alberta, Canada. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Sacred Earth Solar and co-founder of Indigenous Climate Action. Melina is the inaugural Fellow at the David Suzuki Foundation where her research focused on Climate Change, Indigenous Knowledge and Renewable Energy. She is the Host of a new TV series called Power to the People which profiles renewable energy in Indigenous communities. Melina holds a Master’s degree in Indigenous Governance at the University of Victoria with a focus on Renewable Energy.  In 2021, Melina was named one of the 26 Climate Champions in Canada by the Canada Climate Law Initiative. She has also been recognized for her work throughout the years, being profiled and named as a social & climate justice influencer in Global Citizen, Elle Magazine, Chatelaine, Flare, CBC, and Refinery29. She received the Canadian Eco-Hero Award in 2019 by Planet in Focus.

Mia Pepper

Mia Pepper is the National Director of Publish What You Pay Australia and board member of the Mineral Policy Institute. Mia has a long history of campaigning with First Nations communities on nuclear issues in Western Australia and has a strong interest in mine closure, environmental assessment and impacts and mining policy. 

Neil Purcell

Neil Purcell is a decendant of the Wajarri/Nanda people. Neil is a mining and minerals Industry professional, with experience from front line leadership through to commercial strategy and planning. He is currently working with the Wajarri group to develop the organizations strategy and mature long term options in carbon, renewables and mining services

Nick Llewellyn-jones

Nick Llewellyn-Jones is one of the leading native title lawyers in Australia and has the unique distinction of having significant experience representing all three groups with major interests in this field: Government; the resources and energy industry; and Aboriginal native title holder, claimant and traditional owner groups. This has equipped Nick with an unparalleled insight into the differing interests and imperatives of all parties involved, allowing him to achieve swift and lasting outcomes when undertaking negotiations.In this work, Nick has negotiated and advised on a number of market defining mining, energy and infrastructure agreements, many of which have State-wide economic significance.Nick also holds an advanced degree in economics from the University of Adelaide, with a particular interest in resources and environmental economics. This further enables Nick to practically help resolve negotiations between Aboriginal, Government and corporate parties.Nick also specialises in the fields of constitutional and administrative law, and has conducted significant reported litigation (both as solicitor and counsel) in these areas throughout Courts and Tribunals including the High Court of Australia.

Paul Nalau

Paul Nalau comes from the tribe of Nimalgang in Tanna island, Vanuatu. He works as a Principal Policy Analyst in the Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aid Coordination under the Office of Prime Minister in Vanuatu. Currently, Paul is also part of the Atlantic Fellow for Social Equity at Melbourne University in Australia. His Social Change project is focused on addressing the challenge of linking the formal system of governance to informal or indigenous system of governance in delivering services to the people especially in the rural areas.

Peter Yu

Peter Yu is a Yawuru man from Broome in the Kimberley with over 40 years’ experience in Indigenous development and advocacy in the Kimberley and at the state, national and international level and is the inaugural Vice-President First Nations Portfolio at the Australian National University.He was Executive Director of the Kimberley Land Council during the 1990s and a member of the national leadership team negotiating the Federal Government’s response to the 1992 Mabo High Court judgement on Native Title. Peter was instrumental in the development of many community-based organisations and initiatives that have had an enduring influence on the Kimberley region.Peter has held various senior positions in the NFP sector such as Director of Water Trust Australia, Chair of the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA), Trustee on the Princes Trust Australia and recently a member of the Working and Engagement Group for the Referendum of a constitutionally embedded Aboriginal Voice to Parliament. He is currently Chair of the Rio Tinto Australian Advisory Group and a member of JANA Sustainability Advisory Council. Peter was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (AM) in 2021 for his contributions to the Indigenous community.

Richie Ah Mat

Richard (Richie) Ah Mat is a descendant of the Yupungathi peoples from western Cape York and the Wuthathi people of the eastern Cape region. Born on Thursday Island, and later moving to Weipa, Richie led the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU Weipa Branch) in the mid 1990’s against mining giant Comalco, in the fight against individual contracts.  In 1997, Richie was elected as the Chairperson of the Cape York Land Council, an Aboriginal organisation appointed by the Minister for Indigenous Affairs as the Native Title Representative Body for the Cape York region.  Richie held this role for 4 years before serving as the Land Council’s Executive Director for a further 4 year period.  In 2009, Richie returned to the role of Chairperson and has held the role since.

Rob Grant

Rob Grant is the Head of Project Investments at Pollination Group, leading Pollination’s project development platform. For 25 years, Rob has been personally and professionally passionate about advocating for and delivering climate change abatement and clean energy policy, regulation, project investments, businesses and industries. His professional career includes roles as Director Energy at Fortescue Metals Group responsible for the company’s energy and green hydrogen businesses, Chair of the Clean Energy Investor Group, Senior Vice President Clean Power and Vice President Capital for SNC-Lavalin in Asia Pacific, and for 18 years until July 2014, helped position Pacific Hydro as Australia’s most successful and dynamic international clean energy utility, with 50% of that time as CEO. During his time at Pacific Hydro, Rob led the formation of the Clean Energy Council and was its third Chair. Rob holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and has completed an MBA and Master of Applied Finance at Melbourne and Macquarie Universities.

Ruby Heard

Ruby Heard is a descendant of the Jaru people of the Kimberley, an electrical engineer and founding director of Alinga Energy Consulting. Alinga provides energy research, feasibility and design services with a focus on affordable and sustainable off-grid systems which improve livelihoods for Indigenous communities. Ruby brings a diverse background which includes 7 years as a consultant with Arup working in both Melbourne and San Francisco in the building services and energy space. She has designed electrical and lighting systems for iconic buildings in Melbourne and worked on complex solar arrays and microgrid concepts for Google campuses in California. In 2018 Ruby spent 6 months volunteering in Ethiopia through Engineers Without Borders, supporting the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees energy team. In 2019 she was awarded as Young Professional Engineer of the Year – Victoria by Engineers Australia and was featured in their top 100 Engineers Making a Difference list. Ruby currently sits on RAP committees for Engineers Without Borders and GHD.    Ruby is also currently undertaking a PhD with Melbourne University to address energy access and affordability for remote Indigenous communities. She hopes to develop a framework for energy delivery which embodies Indigenous values and the principles of energy justice. 

Sarah Parriman

Sarah Parriman is a proud Jabirr Jabirr and Yawuru woman from the Kimberley, is a passionate advocate for Aboriginal advancement, self-determination, and decision-making.  Having spent nearly 20 years working with the Kimberley Land Council, currently as the Deputy CEO, Sarah believes that Aboriginal people can achieve self-determination by leveraging their native title rights and interests through both economic and social mechanisms.  Aboriginal people and communities need to have the ability to choose how best to govern and enrich their own lives. Great things can be achieved when our people and communities are involved in decision-making and driving change. Sarah was recognised for her contributions to Indigenous Affairs as the award recipient of the 2022 Kullarri NAIDOC Award for Contribution to Indigenous Affairs.With her own career and experience benefiting from the support of her family and mentoring from strong Kimberley Aboriginal leaders she has worked alongside, Sarah is committed to empowering others, particularly young Aboriginal women, and finds genuine fulfilment in the success of those around her. 

Shaurntae Lyons

Shaurntae Lyons is an experienced and recognised community engagement coordinator, having been involved in renewable project development and community engagement for a decade.  As Engagement Coordinator, Shaurntae is a key contact officer with community stakeholders, Elders and knowledge-holders at our projects in the Wiradjuri Country, as well as advising on benefit sharing from renewable energy projects, Reconciliation Action Plan, and on matters that are of importance to First Nations people. Shaurntae has worked on several renewable energy construction projects with Beon Energy Solutions as a community coordinator and stakeholder engagement.

Tania Pouwhare

Tania Pouwhare is a decsendant of the Ngāi Tūhoe iwi. Tania is a Social Intrapreneur for The Southern Initiative team at Auckland Council. Her role is to support and enable social and community innovation in South Auckland to tackle some of our tough socio-economic challenges, and to be a change maker inside a massive bureaucracy. She is leading the The Southern Initiative team’s work on employment, skills and procurement. Before moving to The Southern Initiative team two years ago, Tania held strategy roles within council. Prior to working at Auckland Council, Tania lived and worked in Dublin before settling in London for more than a decade, where she was Head of Policy at the Women’s Resource Centre – the UK’s leading umbrella organisation for the women’s NGO sector and one of Britain’s most admired charities. Before Tania's move abroad, she worked for the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges in a policy role. Tania has a MA in Women’s Studies from the University of Auckland.

Tegan Miller

Tegan Miller lives in Narrm (Melbourne), Victoria, Australia, on the traditional lands of the Bunurong and Boon Wurrung peoples. She began her career in communications and now focuses on transforming the energy sector to address inequality, promote truth-telling and collaborate with Indigenous communities.  Tegan currently works at CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy to build mutually beneficial partnerships with Victoria's First Peoples – assisting the businesses on their reconciliation journey and building cultural safety, whilst improving social procurement opportunities and employment pathways for Aboriginal businesses and First Peoples.   During her previous job at the Victorian Government's Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, she worked on programs that focused on renewable energy for Aboriginal communities. She was involved in the Traditional Owner Renewable Energy Program (TOREP), and created the First Peoples Adoption of Renewable Energy Program. In this role, she empowered her colleagues and renewable energy proponents to understand how to meaningfully partner with Traditional Owners, supporting them to improve services and practices that will inevitably support Traditional Owners to continue their self-determination interests and aspirations.  

Thomas Mayo

Thomas Mayo is a Zenadth Kes man from the Torres Strait. He is a National Indigenous Officer and Honorary Deputy NT Branch Secretary at the MUA, President of the NT Trades & Labour Council and elected participant in the Uluru Convention.

Vanessa Napaltjari Davis

Vanessa Napaltjarri Davis is a Senior Aboriginal Researcher at Tangentyere Council in Mparntwe where she has worked for over 20 years. Aside from Western Arrernte and English, Vanessa, a Town Camp resident speaks several other languages. Her ability to undertake respectful and in-depth research is underpinned by cultural knowledge and connection. Vanessa is a skilled cultural broker with ability to ensure that work undertaken by external partners is undertaken in a manner that is safe for participants and context driven. Vanessa is a Conjoint Fellow at ANU and University of Newcastle. Current projects are being undertaken in collaboration with University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne, and University of Queensland.

Vonda Malone

Vonda Malone was appointed by former Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP, as the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) Chief Executive Officer on 6 April 2022 and commenced her five-year term on 1 May 2022.A Torres Strait Islander woman with connection to Thursday Island and Erub (Darnley Island), Ms Malone brings extensive professional experience including in her role as the first female Mayor of the Torres Shire Council.With more than 20 years of experience working across 3 levels of government, specialising in Indigenous Affairs, she brings a unique international perspective to the role through her positions with both the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the United Nations Office of the Human Rights Commission, Geneva.Ms Malone has a particular interest in improving health and wellbeing outcomes for the region. 

Wahleah Johns

Wahleah Johns is the Director of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs. She is responsible for upholding and advancing the Office of Indian Energy’s mission to maximize the development and deployment of energy solutions for the benefit of American Indians and Alaska Natives.Johns is a member of the Navajo (Diné) tribe and comes from northeastern Arizona. Her background is in renewable energy and community organizing, having co-founded Native Renewables, a nonprofit that builds renewable energy tribal capacity while addressing energy access. Her work with the Black Mesa Water Coalition and Navajo Green Economy Coalition has led to groundbreaking legislative victories for groundwater protection, green jobs, and environmental justice. In 2019, she was awarded the Nathan Cummings Foundation Fellowship.Under her tenure, the Office of Indian Energy’s budget has more than tripled, from $22 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 to $75 million in FY 2023. This growth provides additional funding to support tribal communities in pursuing their energy sovereignty and energy goals and includes an additional 30 positions for the Office.Johns is deeply honored to work with the Office of Indian Energy to help native communities lead the way in the transition to clean energy.