Please note: This program is subject to change.
Key themes include:
There are just 14 significant First Nations clean energy project partnerships in development to-date in Australia, and few renewable energy projects bringing affordable reliable clean power to our homes and communities.
In Canada, Indigenous nations are now the second largest asset owners of renewable energy, with thousands of small to large scale clean energy projects.
Together, we must build an equitable transition in Australia with First Nations as partners and developers, stemming from meaningful engagement, informed consent, and a seat at the table.
As Canada has shown, clean energy projects with substantive First Nations leadership and ownership are sound business propositions, bringing greater economic, environmental, and social impacts for First Nations people, and de-risking and reducing costs to the nation at large.
Governments, industry and investors increasingly see the value of shared benefits in project development and operation.
Through the Symposium, we aim to accelerate equity and genuine partnerships and keep Australia in the global clean energy race - together.